Dog clock with different breeds, inspired by Dog 101

MustHave Gift workshop made four design of dog clocks with dog breeds instead щаnumbers. There are big dogs in first clock design - shepherd, labrador, bulldogs.

The second design includes breeds of small decorative dogs - spitz, chihuahua, toy terrier and other.

third design is a dogs in different poses:

And fourth design is desk clock with dogs of first design.

Any dog lovers can choose clocks here

Art Nouveau earrings with natural gemstones

First pair of long earrings in Art Nouveau style with opal and amethyst is the most popular earrings in the shop. The socond pair of modern earrings decorated with citrine, pearls and smoky quartz. This jewelry is the best addition to the dress for a romantic dinner by candlelight.

Can buy here.

Bunny mobile for baby crib or just home decor for kids room.

There are three variants of bunny mobiles in the FeltPetsShop store. This is mobile with one bunny on the swing, small mobile with three bunnies and big mobile with five bunnies with carrots.

Buy mobiles here

Blooming almond tree branch, one of a kind choker necklace

Choker in spring style for beautiful women, amazing one of a kind gift. Necklace decorated with small pearl flowers and Swarovski crystals sparkling in the sun.

Buy this necklace here...

Цветущая веточка миндаля... Нежное и элегантное украшение, которое подойдет романтической натуре и подчеркнет уникальность образа.

Tiny bird necklace with carnelian.

Small bird with orange carnelian as a bright accent. It can be worn with a bold bright blouse, and then it will complement, and can be worn with neutral - and the bird will play a major role.

Маленькая оранжевая птичка с сердоликом как яркий акцент. Можно носить со смелой яркой блузой, и тогда она станет дополнением, а можно с нейтральной - и птичка сыграет главную роль. 

Wood clock with yoga bunnies. Часы с забавными зайцами для детской комнаты.

Wood clock with funny bunnies is a great Christmas gift idea for kids, Decor for children's room. This clock will be interesting finding for the room decor. And maybe your daughter or son will start to do morning exercises looking at these bunnies :)

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Blue bird necklace, romantic style by IrenAdler. Синяя птица удачи и счастья.

Flying Bluebird is a symbol of luck. And this mosaic pendant brings much happiness for its owner. The collection of birds in the romantic style will delight women of any age. Bird in the mosaic technique only need to select the tone, and some variety in the color of each bird makes it suitable for any color palette of your apparel. The necklace has dangle earrings to set.

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Коллекция птиц в романтическом стиле порадует женщин в любом возрасте. Птичку в мозаичной технике нужно лишь выбрать по тону, а некоторое разнообразие в цвете каждой птицы сделает ее подходящей к любой цветовой палитре вашего образа.

Fish mosaic necklace with carnelian. Маленький кулончик оранжевая рыбка с натуральными камешками.

Small fish pendant with orange gemstones is good gift idea in Nautical trend for her. Seaside necklace with carnelian ocean animals jewelry art is one of a kind jewellery in author mosaic wirewrap technic.

Маленький оригинальный кулончик-рыбка с оранжевыми сердоликами - прекрасный подарок как воспоминание о летнем отпуске у моря.

Yellow Opal Birds earrings inspired by antique jewelry, Серьги-птички оригинального дизайна в виде птичек с желтым опалом

Yellow Opal Birds earrings inspired by antique jewelry, wire wrapped hoop earrings birds.
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Серьги-кольца с птичками сделаны по мотивам древних персидских украшений.

Dangle silver minimalist white pearl earrings Серьги-волны с жемчугом

Modern Dangle silver minimalist white pearl earrings simple every day wearing jewelry gift for her.
These earrings for women like simple in everyday wearing, modern city style, office dress code. Swirl pearl earrings go to any outfit - jeans, romantic dresses or office style skirt.
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Серебряные серьги напоминают струящиеся волны, украшены белым жемчугом. Просты и легки, подходят для ежедневной носки и под любой стиль.

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